In this episode, Hilary Cosby will give us a quic…

In this episode, Hilary Cosby will give us a quick look into her grocery tours held in Midland, Texas. Learn where you should spend most of your time, how to read labels and what foods to avoid as you transition to eating more plant-based foods. Hilary Cosby is certified in Plant Based Nutrition from eCornell, certified in plant-based cooking through the Rouxbe online cooking course, She runs a local WFPB meal prep business called Whole Heart Meals (where she offers meals, grocery store tours, and cooking lessons), She is a CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) facilitator at Midland’s Lifestyle Medicine Center, She has currently returned to school to become an registered dietitian, and she is a Board Member of Healthy City. Visit the following website to view her 6-part series titled "How to Navigate the Grocery Store" Learn more about Hilary's meal prepping services and additional classes: Additional information: Annual Conference: (Tickets will be available soon)