June 14, 2023

325: Vegan Fashion: Exploring Luxury and Compassion with Dominique Side

In this episode, Maya interviews Dominique Side, a vegan fashionista who advocates cruelty-free fashion. Dominique shares her insights on the intersection of veganism and luxury fashion, highlighting materials like leather, s...

In this episode, Maya interviews Dominique Side, a vegan fashionista who advocates cruelty-free fashion. Dominique shares her insights on the intersection of veganism and luxury fashion, highlighting materials like leather, suede, wool, cashmere, fur, and silk derived from animals. She emphasizes the importance of awareness and education in making conscious fashion choices.

Key Takeaways:

  • Veganism and luxury fashion can coexist: Being vegan doesn't mean giving up on style or luxury. Dominique emphasizes that it's possible to enjoy high-end fashion while making compassionate choices and opting for cruelty-free materials.
  • Educate yourself and read labels: To make informed fashion choices, it's essential to educate yourself about different materials and their origins. Reading labels and researching brands' sustainability practices can help you make conscious decisions.
  • Embrace thrifting and extend the lifecycle of fashion items: Thrifting and buying pre-owned luxury items can be a sustainable way to enjoy fashion without supporting the demand for new animal-derived materials. Extending the lifecycle of fashion items honors animal sacrifices and reduces harm.

Remember, fashion can be both stylish and compassionate. By incorporating vegan principles into your fashion choices and considering sustainability, you can create a wardrobe that aligns with your values.

Connect with Dominique:
Website: https://www.dominiqueside.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dominiqueside

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Dominique Side  00:00

Some people don't even realize that suede which is the opposite side of the leather is also made from animals. Then you get to wool cashmere. Some people do angora, which is like rabbit, you know, there's all the furs that anybody could you know ever think of than silk. A lot of people don't consider silk. So they're like that comes from an animal like, yes, worms, and there's farms. And, you know, it's really tough.

Maya Acosta  00:29

This is the healthy lifestyle solutions podcast, and I'm your host, Maya Acosta. If you're willing to go with me, together, we can discover how simple lifestyle choices can help improve our quality of life and increase our longevity in a good way. Let's get started. Okay, so welcome back to another episode of the healthy lifestyle solutions podcast. I'm your host, Maya Acosta. Today, I have Dominique side. You're from Houston, and I'm in Dallas.

Dominique Side  00:59

Wow. So you're just right down the street. Yes.

Maya Acosta  01:02

I'm really excited to learn about you please tell my listeners why you're here. What brings you to the vegan Women's Summit?

Dominique Side  01:09

So I love supporting the vegan Women's Summit this year, I was invited to moderate a panel on vegan fashion in the entertainment industry.

Maya Acosta  01:16

Oh my god, that is too exciting. So tell us what is it like moderating and tell us about the whole industry and what you're about?

Dominique Side  01:24

Sure. I love moderating panels because I get to speak to a very interesting people. So on this particular panel, we had three different women who come from different spaces in the entertainment industry. So one from modeling, an actress and then a director. So we talked about the film slay that goes into the animal abuse that, you know, is there a result of the fashion industry, and we talked about the trends and how we're getting away from that and what each person can do to help push that forward.

Maya Acosta  01:58

I've been following you now on social medias and you really go out of your way to put together some wonderful looks, tell us about your background, I

Dominique Side  02:05

love fashion for sure. I spend a lot of time curating pieces because everything in my wardrobe is vegan, but I love high end luxury designers. So I spend time online reading about products and different materials. And when each collection comes out from different high end luxury brands, I look through them to see you know, what is vegan friendly, and I love to showcase those because a lot of people don't believe that you can have this conscious way of living and then still also enjoy a lot of the high end things that other people do. So that's part of my message in life. So I luxury vegan is what I go by in that space. And so it's you know, where's the intersection with veganism and luxury, and a lot of people don't think that there is one. But you can maintain this high in lifestyle, but also be compassionate in your purchases and the way that you move around the world and the activities that you engage in. It just depends on what it is you enjoy. So I help a lot of people figure that out. Because I don't think that people should believe that you operate from a space of deprivation when you choose veganism, my life is way more full than it ever has been. So I love to help bring awareness to that. And that's essentially what my content is centered around, you know, showing beautiful clothes, beautiful places, amazing food, you know, just the comforts in life.

Maya Acosta  03:38

When we go vegan people think we have to sacrifice when we're talking about food flavor that the food is no longer delicious, but if anything, our world expands because we eat more plants a variety of different plants and so that's from the food perspective. Now fashion. So when we talk about veganism and fashion of course I understand it's pretty obvious like leather is not vegan but talk to us about what it means to be a vegan fashionista in terms of what you wear, what other products do we take into consideration that my listeners may not know

Dominique Side  04:11

about? So yeah, of course vegan is probably the most obvious. Some people don't even realize that suede which is the opposite side of the leather is also made from animals. Then you get to wool cashmere. Some people do angora which is like rabbit you know, there's all the furs that anybody could you know ever think of. Then silk. A lot of people don't consider silk. They're like that comes from an animal like yes, worms and there's farms and you know, it's really tough and I have long conversations with people. I've had the same stylist for several years now. And he's learned a lot just styling me because I pick the clothes he puts together the looks. That's how we work well together. But he's had to learn because he can't bring me anything piegan I mean, and you can't overlook, I spend a lot of time reading labels when I'm shopping. And sometimes I get overzealous with my glass of champagne and I grab something, I'm like, oh my god, I fall in love. And then I read the label. And I'm like, it's a cashmere blend. And I have to put it back because I'm never wearing matte. So

Maya Acosta  05:19

I do the same thing. And there are other things that I'm learning about. I'm still I guess, all of us in our journey. We're learning these things. For example, just even T shirts. So I once asked, Well, what about the T shirts? What what makes them not vegan? And I was told the ink if you're wearing like printed shirts, for example, do you take into consideration how the product is manufactured? Like if they come out of sweatshops? Do you also consider that

Dominique Side  05:45

I apply this across the board this this definition and that, to the greatest extent possible and practicable. Avoid the exploitation and harm to animals. So it's not always possible in everything you do. There's no perfection in this practice suitable meaning you know, what is available to you what is accessible for you, I'm very much a greater good type vegan. So any steps that anyone makes in that direction, with innovation, their own personal choices, I feel like all of that contributes to the same goal. So I don't discount any small steps. I don't champion the person that is seeking perfectionism over the person who's doing meatless Mondays and thrifting, you know, I'm saying, because for me, all of it works towards the same goal. And in that I recognize my own faults. Because you can spend so much time researching everything, all the rabbit holes, and you'll still miss something. So I have to extend grace to myself as well. But in developing the clothing line myself, Nikki green, we, my staff, went to a textile conference and sat in on sustained sustainability panels. And they learned so much, it became clear to them why you couldn't just haphazardly say, Oh, we're sustainable. And I'm like, no, no, do not say that. Because there are actual sustainable practices out there that you know, subscribe to, to be able to say those things. And once they became aware, because it's really about education, then they took a step back, and they really, you know, dialed in and said, Oh, wow, I didn't realize that the dye for the denim matters. I'm like, yes, yes, it does. Levi's, you know, released a whole collection of plant based died, you know, so there's a difference. So yeah, I may not get super specific on my screen T sometimes, or, you know, but a lot of the brands that I shop, I shopped them consistently. And I've already looked at their supply chains and things like that. And so in my mind, this is a safe space. And as long as I'm picking the vegan friendly item, then generally I'm okay. But it is really important, you know, it really is important to do your research.

Maya Acosta  08:19

So what's one thing that my listeners can do today to improve their fashion and move more towards veganism in their fashion? And then should we toss out our old leather purse, so that leather belt that's still in our closet?

Dominique Side  08:33

Okay, so there's two sides to this. One is about sustainability. And so in the thought process of sustainability, then you you're living off the lifecycle of an item. So you keep it and you wear it, as long as you're comfortable. I got to a point in my veganism where I did not want animals skins on my body. So I felt uncomfortable wearing leather shoes and leather bags and belts. So they're completely gone from my wardrobe. But I was able to get rid of those things and not feel a way about them, you know what I'm saying? But you can gift them, you can sell them. But if you feel comfortable still wearing them, then do let it see through the lifecycle honor, the sacrifice, essentially, you know, or give them away to someone that you know, wants that and would care for that and maintain that. I am. I think the one thing that I would tell people they could do today would be especially if you're not trying to purchase something new would be rewiring, you know, and drifting. So there's and there's thrifting at all different levels and people don't realize that you know, you can find websites that resell certified luxury high end items. You know, you can buy that Chanel bag if you really want that Chanel bag for a cheaper price. Since it's been worn already, so you're extending the lifecycle of an item, and therefore not causing additional cruelty or harm to animals, it's sort of like, for me buying cars. So if there's a really nice car that I wanted, that only came with a leather interior, I would do resale rather than brand new, because I don't want to create demand for new leather seats. I just want to extend the lifecycle of what already exists. But I have a Tesla, so

Maya Acosta  10:35

Oh, that's great. Well, it's been such a pleasure speaking with you. Please share your social media. Tell us how my listeners can follow you and learn more about you.

Dominique Side  10:43

So you can follow me on Instagram at vegan Bae DOM BG in VAEDO M. And then I've got the luxury vegan and shop Nikki green. All of those tags can be fine in my bio.

Maya Acosta  10:57

Wonderful. And by the way, I want to add You look gorgeous today. What is the brand that you're wearing?

Dominique Side  11:03

My brand Nikki green? Yeah,

Maya Acosta  11:05

Nikki green brand so we can go to that website as well.

Dominique Side  11:08

Nikki green.com

Maya Acosta  11:10

Thank you so much. You've been listening to the healthy lifestyle solutions podcast with your host Maya Acosta. If you've enjoyed this content, please share with one friend who can benefit. You can also leave us a five star review at rate this podcast.com forward slash H L S. This helps us to spread our message. As always, thank you for being a listener.