Dr. John McDougall is a board-certified internist…

Dr. John McDougall is a board-certified internist, the author of 13 national best-selling books, the international on-line “McDougall Newsletter,” and co-founder of the 10-day, live-in McDougall Program in Santa Rosa, CA. He is a clinical instructor for 4 schools training young physicians and licensed in 5 states in the US to practice. Other McDougall activities include seminars and health-oriented adventure vacations. Dr. McDougall is the latest recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award presented by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and the Lifestyle Medicine Foundation, this award recognizes lifetime achievement in the field and is the highest honor bestowed on a healthcare pioneer. This award recognizes a significant body of work over a significant span of time that has advanced the field of Lifestyle Medicine, and, in the process, paved the way for others to follow. The Lifetime Achievement award is presented to individuals who have been devoted to the cause of Lifestyle Medicine for half of their lives or more. His most recent passion was made evident during his acceptance speech. He challenged us ALL to consider what is happening to our planet due to climate change. https://www.drmcdougall.com/