Dr. Bandana Chawla is a board certified physician…

Dr. Bandana Chawla is a board certified physician in Internal Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. She graduated from UT Southwestern Medical School and completed her residency training at the Texas Medical Center. She has been practicing as an internist in the Houston area for over 20 years. Over the years she has incorporated the tenets of Lifestyle Medicine (LM) into her practice and has seen her patients lose weight, improve their diabetes and several other health conditions. Dr. Munish Chawla is a board certified physician in Diagnostic Radiology and Lifestyle Medicine. A long time practitioner of meditation and yoga, he adopted a plant based lifestyle in 2013. Upon becoming aware of the research proven health benefits and the evidence-based approach Lifestyle Medicine uses to treat and reverse chronic diseases, he became certified in this new and exciting specialty. Drs. Munish & Bandana Chawla created their Lifestyle Docs practice which focuses on eating the right types of food, being fit, reducing stress, and connecting more to achieve holistic wellness. They also founded the Peaceful Planet Foundation, 501c3 nonprofit, which fosters Peace, Health and Wellness in Houston and the surrounding communities. Websites: https://embeelifestyledocs.com https://peacefulplanetfoundation.org